Slide Exklusive & Ausgewählte vorträge CGC STRATEGIES
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Risk based Third Party Management (Third Party MGMT in a global Medtech Company)

This session will focus on a risk based approach on Third Party Management in a highly regulated industry like the Medical Device industry. Finding the balance between risk and regulatory needs. Balancing multi jurisdictions and the realities the Third Parties are in.

Attendees will benefit

-l earning from a global mid-size company applying a risk based approach on – Third Party management.
– taking into consideration shareholder demands vs. internal needs vs. regulatory frameworks.

Florian Schwanert

General Counsel & Compliance Officer EMEA (Syndikusanwalt) Global Data Protection
Cordis Germany


LkSG – Was gilt nach dem Gesetz und was ist bei der Umsetzung zu beachten?

Thoughts about the future Infrastructure of Compliance

Wie stellen Sie ein gelingendes Geschäftspartnermanagement von morgen sicher?


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